tried to play with historical market data, i know very little about finance, i'm sure there's some zip archives i can download but i'd prefer to get it myself from a good source. i found a blog post (not interested in linking anything i'm discussing here) recommending i use the iex api because the yahoo and google apis had become more restrictive. however, since that post was written they also phased the old iex api out in favour of iex cloud (vomit, etc.) which operates on a poorly explained subscription model. the python library was also broken and i had to pull the most recent branch from github
anyway this is almost entirely just an excuse to rant but i was wondering what the difference between GOOG and GOOGL was so i compared the prices
i know it's not by much compared to the overall price but i wonder why GOOGL is worth more than GOOG now, that's not what i expected. is it an inconvenience to have to vote? this only changed fairly recently, so it would be interesting to see the rest of the historical data (might try to do that later)
unfortunately all the historical data you see in the above figures used 25k 'messages' which is half of the monthly free allocation. this reminds me of why i don't like data science, stuff like plotly (i'm comfortable with matplotlib now) and jupyter are just awful. it must just be the proximity to business processes, software development in general can be somewhat insulated from that but data gets fed directly to executives, and has less value to everyday users
i don't want to sign up to a subscription service please don't make me sign up to a subscription service