I installed Godot and found it very easy to get started on remaking the game concept I shared in #211.
Having a scene graph and being able to easily load images and create animations helps so much.
I'm sure there will be lots of other features that just work and I don't have to worry about them as well.
It should build for WebAssembly too but I haven't tried it yet.
It's even more obvious to me now that working with SDL was a waste of time when I have no aspirations to develop my own engine.
At least I probably learned some things even though I hate learning.
I prefer the scripting language to C++.
The original reason I stayed away from engines was that Unity felt unclean and the editor had terrible user experience, but Godot is much cleaner and the editor is performant.
The case where you shouldn't use a pre-built engine is probably when you're doing something unusual that also requires high performance, like Noita.
I need to remind myself to do the undo queue next before I go any further.