messing with cellular automata (click to see at full size)
all rules of type (a, b, c, d) where an active cell stays active if a <= neighbours <= b, and an inactive cell becomes active if c <= neighbours <= d, split into 16x16 chunks for each rule
conway's game of life is at (2, 3, 3, 3) here:
it's cool to see that there are quite a few categories of possible worlds that can result from these parameters, though it would seem that most of them are not as interesting as cgol
i would like to learn gpu programming to make it go faster if that's possible, i think it would be possible since it's just convolution. it is very slow for 50 iterations at that size
i think this would also be a good use case for unit testing which i always neglect, but it would be so handy here if i were to try and optimise the code a little and need to check if it still produces the same output