Keep Grinding

Update Log

08/22: added a few more mirrored files. I also gave a couple of pages navigation similar to The Fall of UDSF.

08/11: Life Is Funny has returned in time for Comiket! I also fixed a few other pages for good measure.

08/03: updated a bunch of pages in every section. I've felt extremely discouraged during the past week, so I'll try to reduce my alcohol intake.

07/22: cleaned several pages. Still trying to research for the arcade page, brainstorm for the Comic Corner, and keep an eye out for predators.

Also, when I was looking through supplementary files, I found a screenshot that hints at Gamechamp3000 being ephebophilic. If you have evidence showing predatory behavior, send it to LEAs and

To see what I'm working on at the moment, read the to-do list.

Featured Guide

How to Play Arcade Games at Home

When can I go to Dave and Buster's?

Featured Comic


I told you I would resume it.

Featured Scrapbook Page

My Favorite Games

The title is self-explanatory.

Featured Rant

Unrecommended YouTube Channels

Fun fact: this page has more channels listed than the one in the Scrapbook!